Awesome Adventure Joslyn Museum Omaha. CSL tours this iconic and beautiful art museum
I feel as though I’m in the Nebraskan Taj Mahal; the art museum and memorial was a gift from Sarah Joslyn to the city of Omaha and a tribute to her husband George. Standing in front of the pinky-purple hued modern edifice, I come to understand why the architecture has been listed among the 100 finest buildings in America.

38 types of marble are used throughout the building, with hints of art deco, Roman and modern American styles. My favourite niche is the Storz Fountain Court, conjuring images of an Italian renaissance courtyard with Moravian floor tiles symbolizing literature, music, architecture, and painting. Art work by old world masters and American artists are displayed with by time period and style.

After strolling through the museum, I stop in front of a painting called The Grief of the Pasha. It’s an uncanny resemblance as I realize that the painting is a virtual replica of the Storz Fountain Court.
This article on the Joslyn Museum first appeared in the Spring 2015 issue of City Style and Living Magazine. Do you want more Awesome Adventure?
Did you know, CSL’s The Editors Notebook travel and style blogger photographed at the stunning Joslyn museum?