CSL’s Favourite Hotels | The Fairmont Palliser
“Have you ever wanted to trade places with Eloise, the mischievous little pampered girl who lived at a famed New York hotel? The good news is that this dream can be realized. The historic Fairmont Palliser in downtown Calgary is one of the city’s most recognizable edifices. Our late night check-in seemed to show off…
CSL Interviews | Paul Hughes of Calgary Food Policy Council
Chair of the Calgary Food Policy Council (CFPC) , Paul Hughes spoke to CSL about advocacy, the Calgary food system and why the CFPC got started. CSL: What is a Food Policy Council? Hughes: Food Policy Councils (FPCs) are comprised of individuals from all aspects of a local food system. They are often officially sanctioned…
Justin Leboe | Risk Taker
Growing up in Vancouver, food was an important part of the Leboe household, whether picking chanterelles in winter on Vancouver Island, collecting beach oysters or crabbing with cousins. For ten years, the chef worked in some of the top kitchens in North America (The French Laundry, Daniel, Jean-Georges). Sensing that the best way to advance his…
Travelling Notes | 5 Great Reasons to Visit Las Vegas
There has never been a better time to visit Sin City. Encore Steve Wynn’s newest hotel, Encore, upped the ante on glamour. The 2034 room hotel epitomizes 21st century cool with all the amenities you could possibly ask for including golf, spa, shopping, bars, clubs and restaurants. www.encorelasvegas.com Bouchon A Lyonnaise…
Postcards | Costa Rica
Read More from Costa Rica in the Winter 2007/08 issue of City Style and Living Magazine