Time away doesn’t always have to result in an extra 10 pounds or a bloated tummy. Co-founder of BeyondDiet.com and Nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios provides tips on how to eat healthy no matter how you travel.
PLANE With limited choices while you fly and no idea what you may be served, pack a snack that won’t spoil. Throw some raw nuts and dried fruit (no sugar added) in your bag. With plenty of water at your disposal, be sure to hydrate.
ON THE ROAD Pack a small cooler with water, fresh cut vegetables and fruits to snack on. Bring a jar of raw almond butter to dip. Sandwiches are also a great choice—substitute mayo with a yogurt-based spread. If you stop at a rest area, avoid fast foods and opt for a salad with grilled chicken.
CRUISE Eating healthy on a cruise can be difficult, but not impossible. Scout restaurants early and make reservations to those with healthy food choices. Steer clear of buffets! Try restaurants that give you portions. Most importantly, limit alcoholic beverages high in sugar. Don’t be a stranger to a quick daily workout, most cruise ships have a gym, fitness classes and pool.
HOTEL If your hotel includes an all-inclusive meal plan, don’t overindulge. Is your choice of restaurant buffet style? Start your meal with soup or salad. This will leave you feeling filled with less room for a big dinner. Stock up on healthy snacks at a local supermarket to eat while you lounge by the pool. The more you snack on healthy foods, the less you overindulge in fattening foods.
This original article first appeared in the Fall 2018 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.
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