The Melbourne, Australia native who now calls Sydney home is a television nutritionist, author of The Happy Cookbook and owner of the Happy Place smoothie bar in Los Angeles.
Q What is The Happy Cookbook about?
A It’s about eating whole foods, pretty easy recipes and about being happy. There are topics about other things that can make you happy, like doing meditation, yoga, and there are even topics like crystals. It’s a very holistic approach to health!
What are some of your favourite projects that you have worked on? Why?
I love working on the books, it’s so much fun to create something tangible and I go to every single day of the shoot, even the foodie shots when they don’t need me on set. I fly to Melbourne just so that I can be part of the team and watch the magic of everything coming together! I’ve also just opened a smoothie bar called Happy Place which has been so much fun to create. We infuse the smoothies with flower essence therapy (this works on emotional and spiritual health) and we give crystals out with every smoothie too. It’s so much fun to create a place where people can get their happy fix! Launching in America has also been such a dream come true, and it’s awesome to see how much health is celebrated there!

Favourite city to travel to, why?
Hawaii because there’s something thematic there. I also love Tulum [Mexico] for the same reason, it’s magical.
What is your favourite dish and at which restaurant (worldwide)?
There’s this vegan Mexican place in L.A, called Gracias Madre and it was all amazing but the treat at the end was a chocolate fudge brownie with salted caramel, coconut ice-cream and coconut bacon, all vegan, gluten free and dairy free. It blew me away, so awesome!
Best advice you’ve received?
You’re in charge of your dreams, you are the only person who can make them happen, and you’re the only person who can stop you. It’s all you.

1. Three items always in your luggage?
I travel with my orca whale soft toy called “Scout” for good luck and because I love orca whales. I also travel with a crystal called labradorite which is all about making dreams come true, and a mega bottle of water to keep me hydrated, especially on long flights. My luggage brand is American Tourister – I love the bright colours – it’s always easy to spot my suitcase.
2. I can’t live without…
Music. I used to be a DJ and now when I teach yoga I create a playlist before I plan the yoga poses (asana)!
3. Most memorable travel moment
Swimming with giant greens turtles in the wild in Hawaii.
4. The most played songs on my ipod are…
Luck Now by Big Scary. Why Not by Jonsi. Welcome Home, Son by Radical Face.
5. When I am not working I am…
This original travel Q&A interview first appeared in the Fall 2016 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.
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