Tag: how to decorate

  • City Style and Living Spring 2021 Global Gardens: A Tour Around Some of the Prettiest Spots in the World

    Global Gardens: A Tour Around Some of the Prettiest Spots in the World

    Armchair travel to botanical gardens filled with flowers, sculptures, fauna and some of the most passionate people you’ll ever meet. You can almost breathe in the glorious setting!

  • City Style and Living Spring 2021 Garden Troubleshooting

    Garden Troubleshooting

    Over the last year, CSL’s readers have become increasingly adventurous with their gardening. CSL has gathered some of your gardening questions and answers them below.

  • City Style and Living Magazine Winter 2020 Gardening in Fall and Winter soil types

    Gardening in Fall and Winter

    PLAN YOUR GARDEN FOR HEALTHY EATING Certified Nutritional Health Counselor, Sara Siskind reminds us that consuming a variety of plant-based, whole foods at least 80% of the time can help keep us strong and healthy by reducing inflammation in the body. Best of all you can grow them in your garden (see potting mix below).…

  • City Style and Living Magazine Fall 2020 Fall Yard Cleanup

    Fall Yard Cleanup

    Expert landscaper Chris Lambton shares basic but critical tips for fall yard cleanup.

  • City Style and Living Magazine spring 2020 loving lilacs Hygge Picnic

    Loving Lilacs

    Harbingers of spring in shades ranging from violet to light magenta with specks of fuchsia, these bushes perfume the air with an unmistakably sweet scent.