Allergy Tincture Blend

This blend can be helpful in chronic allergies, hay fever, and chronic asthma. While some people may only need to take it as needed when allergies kick in (preferably starting 2 to 6 months before allergy season begins), people with chronic allergic or asthmatic conditions can take it daily.

City Style and Living Magazine Summer 2019 Healthy Living Allergy Tincture Blend
/ Photography Stacey Cramp

This blend can be helpful in chronic allergies, hay fever, and chronic asthma. While some people may only need to take it as needed when allergies kick in (preferably starting 2 to 6 months before allergy season begins), people with chronic allergic or asthmatic conditions can take it daily. New England aster would work well here, too, especially for someone with allergy-induced asthma and congestion. Consider adding peach twig for people with lots of hypersensitivities that cause hives.

3 parts nettle tincture

3 parts goldenrod tincture

2 parts horehound tincture

1 part mullein tincture

1 part fennel seed or thyme tincture

Suggested tools: 2-ounce dropper bottle

If you already have the individual tinctures prepared, simply measure them by volume and pour them into the same bottle (for example, 5 ml per “part” which will not quite fill a 2-ounce bottle). If you need to make a combo tincture from scratch, measure the fresh herbs by weight (it’s okay if the fennel is dried) — each part can be 1/2 ounce so you’ll have 5 ounces total — chop and shove them into a 16-ounce jar. See fresh plant tincture instructions on page 38. Take 1–2 ml (1/4–1/2 teaspoon) of the blend, diluted in water, as needed or 2–3 times per day.


Simple Nettle: basic but often effective

Nettle-Goldenrod: seasonal and animal allergies, histamine overload

Nettle-Goldenrod-Horehound: thick mucus conditions, to drain

Goldenrod-Bee Balm: sinus infection, to drain

Goldenrod-Bee Balm-Berberine: sinus infection, to dry

Horehound-New England Aster-Goldenrod: congestion, mucus, asthma

Excerpted from Grow Your Own Herbal Remedies, © by Maria Noël Grovers, 2019. Photography by © Stacey Cramp. Used with permission from Storey Publishing.

This original article first appeared in the Summer 2019 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.

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