Category: Wine and Spirits

  • City Style and Living Magazine Winter wines and spirits best wine for holidays 5 wines

    Choose a wine for every celebration

    From small gatherings to the traditional family dinner, here are five bottles to suit any guest at your celebration.

  • City Style and Living Magazine wine and spirits mocktails Pineapple Cocktail

    Craft Mocktails are here to stay. Any Questions?

    Any good mixologist will tell you that the secret to a good cocktail is balance. The same is true (even more so) for mocktails, where a hint of sweetness a dash of sour, a little sparkle and the refreshing notes from herbs should come together to create something surprising for the palate.

  • City Style and Living Magazine Food how to pair whisky and dessert Sticky Toffee

    CSL Guide: How to Pair Whisky & Dessert

    A very quick guide on getting the most of your after dinner sipper and treats.

  • City Style and Living Magazine Fall 2019 Wines and spirits what to pair with lamb stew

    4 Wines To Go With Lamb Stew

    With cooler weather calling out for settling in with comfort food and bold, rich wine, CSL has just the pairings for you to try!

  • City Style and Living Magazine Summer 2019 Global cocktail Caribbean Plantation Punch cocktail

    Global Cocktail Hour Caribbean Plantation Punch

    Inspired by the various ingredients found in some of our favourite drinks, CSL has got you covered with three essential cocktail pantries. Travel around the world with us, and try them out at your next party.