Category: Wine and Spirits

  • City Style and Living Magazine Wines of The Okanagan

    CSL’s Wine Trail Favourites

    Here are a few of CSL’s favourite wines from The Okanagan

  • City Style and Living Magazine gimlet cocktail recipe


    Once favoured by the British Navy for preventing scurvy, this refreshing cocktail is simple to make. Although the original recipe calls for gin, vodka can be substituted as an alternative. Some recipes use only Rose’s lime cordial (or lime juice as it’s known in the US) for a citrus kick, but we like amped up…

  • city style and living spirits haymans gin

    A Tale of Two Gin

    A spirit, made from a blend of botanicals, gin is meant to be mixed and truly comes alive in cocktails.

  • city style and living wine lesson viognier

    Wine Lesson: Viognier

    CSL’s Wine Lesson: A floral white wine that is a delightful patio sipper, and great food partner

  • havana club mojito

    Classic Mojito

    This classic rum cocktail highlights the freshness of mint.