3 Flat Belly Moves
These exercises target the lower abs (rectus abdominus) in different ways. Best of all, there’s no equipment needed. Combined with proper diet and regular cardio, lower ab exercises can help you get that coveted flat belly. Over time, your strengthened core will allow you greater control as you perform the exercises. When beginning with these…
Earth Day Special 2015: 21 Ways You Can Stay Green (Eco-Friendly) in Fashion and at Home
In honour of Earth Day, every Wednesday in April we’re counting down the best food, fashion and travel eco-friendly ideas we’ve ever heard. City Style and Living Magazine (CSL) has gathered easy, proactive and affordable tips from some of our past issues (the CSL green ticker) so that you can make green choices in fashion…
How to Get Ready for Spring
Spring is actually a time of renewal learn how to hit the refresh button on mind, body, surroundings and soul.
Do’s and Don’ts of Gym Etiquette
Diane Gottsman is a national etiquette expert, sought out industry leader, accomplished speaker, author and the owner of The Protocol School of Texas. Diane says whether you’ve been working out forever, or you are first-timer, you need to know the do’s and don’ts of gym etiquette.
Book Review | Rodale’s 21st-Century Herbal: A Practical Guide for Healthy Living Using Nature’s Most Powerful Plants By Michael Balick
This book holds fascination not only because of its history of plants from across the world, beauty recipes, culinary uses and plant profiles, but also for the stories from Balick’s years as an ethnobotanist.