Update Your Home With These Simple Tricks that You Can Do Over A Weekend
You don’t have to do something major like busting out walls or recarpeting your entire space to give it a refresh. Changes as simple and inexpensive as paint, light, faucets and moulding can create a whole new look.
Stay Connected and Practise Eye Yoga While Working Remotely
CSL shares our favourite tools to maintain productivity at home and why you should try eye yoga.
Great Ways to Garden in Winter (Especially in Zone 3)
Blistery winds chinooks, deep snow – the vagaries of zone 3 winter gardening may seem bleak. For months, with the ground frozen, there is little prospect of working outside. While in other zones, the march toward winter is gradual, here it often comes abruptly. Other may still be able to harvest well into November but…
Hybrid Work Products You’ll Love
Work-home balance is here to stay and we have the products to make it easier.
Indoor and Outdoor Gardening for Fall
Whether you want to add colour to your spring garden or ensure you have lush greens indoors, CSL has all the ways to make the most of the season.