Currently starring in the highly-anticipated sixth season of the critically-acclaimed drama series Major Crimes as Rusty Beck, the actor tells CSL about his travel faves, his charity work and why he loves New Orleans.
Q Tell us a little about your career path.
A I started doing toy commercials as a kid. Got my first steady gig when I was 15 years old. It was a little multi camera sitcom on TBS called The Bill Engvall Show. When that ended I joined Two and a Half Men for a few seasons (on both Sheen and Kutcher administrations) and after that I received a part on Major Crimes; which has been my home for the last 6 years.
What are some of your favourite projects that you have worked on? Why?
It’s hard to pick one. I did an indie that I was incredibly passionate about called Somewhere Slow. I worked alongside an incredible actress named Jessalyn Gilsig. The movie takes place in this little cottage in Rhode Island. The cast and some crew stayed in the house that we were shooting in for the month-long production. It was magic.
Tell us about your charitable endeavours and why it is important to give back.
I have two favorites; one being The Sunshine Kids Organization. They provide fun life experiences for kids who are undergoing cancer treatments. I often join the kids as a volunteer on their trips to New Orleans, LA, NY etc. Covenant House California is an organization that I recently got involved with. I help with a writing workshop at the covenant house. Seeing these homeless youths express themselves through writing is so special.
Most memorable travel moment.
Having box seats to see Hamilton on Broadway; only to find out that I was randomly upgraded to 5th row center orchestra; only to find out the reason I was upgraded was because Prince wanted to sit in the box I had reserved. It was surreal.
Favourite city to travel to and why?
New Orleans. It’s my home. Also, the food is unreal.

Favorite hotel in the world, Why?
Oil Nut Bay in the British Virgin Islands. Look it up and you will understand.
What is your favourite dish and at which restaurant (worldwide)?
Drago’s char broiled oysters in New Orleans.

1. When I am not working I am…
Still working.
2. Best advice (business or otherwise) that you have received
Just be honest. Mostly with yourself.
3. I can’t live without…
4. Three of the most played songs on my iPod are…
“River” by Leon Bridges
“Ah-La song” by Joe Purdy
“Bette Davis Eyes” by Kim Carnes
5. What three items are always in your luggage and what brand of luggage do you always travel with?
Samsonite. I always bring an extra phone charger, charcoal pills, and my own shampoo. Can’t trust hotel shampoo.
This original article first appeared in the Winter 2017/18 issue of City Style and Living Magazine
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