Carol Tuttle, CEO of Live Your Truth offers tips on finding time for yourself on hectic days.
Me Time is Not Actually About Time
You hurried all day, shuttled the kids, ran the errands, worked hard. You got things done. But in the rush of the day, you got a little lost in there somewhere.
If only you could have a few uninterrupted minutes to take care of yourself without everything falling apart. So, how do you carve out a little “me time” as a mother, when there’s so much to do? Truth is, every mom would love a whole day to herself—but we can get reenergized on a lot less. Feeling taken care of is less about the time you spend doing it and more about what you do.
How to Carve Out Me Time
The most important step you can take to having time for yourself is believing that you can. Have a plan. Identify exactly which kind of activity will recharge you. And when those extra 10 minutes show up, do it! Everything else you do will be better because you did.
How to Customize Your Me Time For Maximum Benefit
If you prioritize your children having fun and are drawn to activities that allow them to connect socially: Give yourself something to look forward to. It can be a fun event at the end of the week, or even just a phone call to a friend later in the day. Of all the moms, you love surprises the most, so be open to them.
If you prioritize your children feeling comfortable and are drawn to activities that allow them to quietly unwind: Connect with your emotions. Take a few quiet minutes alone to think, write, read or talk about your feelings.
If you prioritize engaging your children in activity and are drawn to physical outlets for their energy: Go outside! Even if it’s just a quick lap around the house or the office, you connect to the world physically and you need to recharge by moving your body. You and your children will be happier if you do.
If you prioritize your children’s progress in terms of routines and structures and are drawn to activities that allow them to focus: Do something with laser-like focus. You feel centered when you can zero in on what you want and complete it to perfection. Choose something small you want to do with zero interruptions and plan it into your day.
This original healthy living article first appeared in the Fall 2019 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.
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