Spring is actually a time of renewal and my favourite thing to do in spring is hit the refresh button: both literally and figuratively. Literally cleaning out anything that no longer serves me or has become outdated and un-useable is the first task at hand. From clothes to furnishings to anything around the home that must be updated, discarded or simply replaced I look for an opportunity to create simplicity in my surroundings.
Once the actual clutter is removed then the process of deep cleaning begins. All the remaining furniture is pressed into the centre of each respective room in which it belongs and the entire room is cleaned from every angle. Baseboards, walls, ceiling and yes the windows. Then the furniture is placed back in it proper position and is also deep cleaned. Upholstery is steamed, curtains are cleaned and even accent pieces receive a refresh. All the fixtures (lights, faceplates, switches) are removed and carefully deep cleaned and replaced if needed. Then, and only then do new pieces enter the mix. Any new accents, furniture or accessories are then carefully introduced into the mix for continued use.
The figurative part is personal reflection, spring is the perfect time to consider choices made over the previous twelve months and analyzing how those choices could have been better made or more diligently executed brings a fresh perspective to my existence. Most people do this exercise in the New Year but for me the rebirth of the planet, the push of life and the explosion of warmth and sunlight of spring put me in the contemplative mood. For me it’s the perfect time to start completely new, let go of regrets and look towards the future with full anticipation.
This spring I have committed to nurturing friendships and eliminating excuses for not being present in my friends’ lives. At the same time I completely redecorated an apartment to create a whole new living space. Spring is all about the new!
This original article first appeared in the Spring 2015 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.