What to Wear to Sunset Key Guest Cottages in the Florida Keys.
Travel and style go hand in hand. Picture the lush sub-tropical beauty of the Florida Keys the backdrop to a secluded private island getaway. Let City Style and Living Magazine The Editor’s Notebook transport you to whitewashed cottages punctuated with ocean views. The style? Breezy island vibe in rich tropical colours.
Most days, the large pool, adjacent to our cottage is busy with guests wading in the water or laying on deck chairs. Other days we join young men playing volleyball on a spit of sand while or swim on the private beach.
Sunset Key gets its name from the unbelievable views of the fading sun. Latitudes, the island’s hallmark restaurant, is positioned to maximize the views of this daily ritual. This is the place to dine and watch the sunset. Every evening the restaurant is packed with couples, and large parties toting cameras to capture the moment when a sepia hued ocean framed by palm trees swallows the sun.
Dress: Herve Leger Audry signature essential dress
Hat: Gucci Monticristi straw hat
Sandals: Steve Madden Aintso
Want More Travel? Read more about why you need to visit Miami and The Florida Keys in the Winter 2014/15 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.