Summer is the time to show some skin! Make it flawless with a colour corrector. Here is CSL’s guide.
By now, you’ve undoubtedly seen a few Youtube videos with beauty bloggers using colour correctors for imperfections and to create a perfect base before applying foundation. IRL, these products can be confusing. How do you know which products to choose? Where do you apply them? Here is CSL’s easy guide to colour correctors that will help simplify things for a #flawlessface.
1/ Yellow
Urban Decay Naked Skin in yellow, $35 ; urbandecay.ca
BEST FOR hiding purple shadows.
WHERE TO APPLY under-eye circles, apply with a foam sponge before putting on concealer.
2/ Red-Orange
Becca Backlight Colour Correcting Crème in peach, $30; beccacosmetics.com
BEST FOR hiding blue/ purple shadows.
WHERE TO APPLY very dark blue/ dark purple patches under eyes and around the mouth.
3/ Green
Makeup Forever Skin Equalizer in green, $45; makeupforever.com
BEST FOR neutralizing redness
WHERE TO APPLY got a pimple or broken capillaries? Pat on this cream with fingers and then apply concealer.
4/ Purple
NYX Cosmetics Color Correcting Palette, $12; nyxcosmetics.com
BEST FOR revitalizing sallow skin (ie. brownish/ yellow tone)
WHERE TO APPLY mix with foundation and apply over the entire face.
5/ Pink
STILA One Step Correct, $36; stilacosmetics.com
BEST FOR dull or ashy skin
WHERE TO APPLY restore radiance by applying a pink primer for fair skin and a peach primer for olive and dark skin tones.
This original article first appeared in the Summer 2017 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.
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