Products CSL loves, and you should try too.
1. Sorcerer’s Brew
Simple ingredients, fragrance-free, and organic, Druide Pur & Pure Shampoo is great for those with allergies or sensitive skin. There’s no Double, double toil and trouble here. $13.99.

2. Going Nuts
The new Dr. Hauschka Foundations come in five shades (Macadamia, Almond, Chestnut, Hazel, and Nutmeg). With a faint floral scent, and an easy application to blend with your skin tone, the foundations provide coverage without feeling cakey; 30ml, $39.

3. Sharp Order
Want chiseled cheekbones like the supermodels, follow the simple detailed instructions in Kevyn Aucoin The Contour Book The Art of Sculpting + Defining, to contour your cheeks like a pro!, $85.

4. From Dusk til Dawn
Let the jungles of South America jazz up your skin care routine with exotic, antioxidant rich ingredients like buriti (a palm with a high Vitamin C content and anti-inflammatory properties), Açaí (the Brazilian superfood berry) and Cupuaçu (an Amazonian fruit). Teadora Nourishing Body Cleanser, $24.00.

5. Rebel With a Cause
“This is a rebel with a cause – a black bar loaded with oils and protein, beautifully packaged and sealed with wax, ” says beauty editor Shivana Maharaj of Rebel’s Refinery wealth of man organic oil bar soap, $12.00.
This original article first appeared in the Spring 2015 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.