5 Unique Wines You’ll Love
Sure you’re used to enjoying your regular chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon and merlot but what about stepping outside of your tried and tested wine zone? Lesser known varieties can often surprise you with their familiar yet oh so different characteristics, here CSL introduces you to five wine styles that will open up new possibilities.
Strawberry and Lime Mojito Mocktail
You may not be aware, but there’s a revolution going on. A ‘sober revolution’, and you can thank Millenials for sparking the trend. Though something of a misnomer, this generation is not giving up alcohol entirely, but rather opting for less consumption overall and sipping sodas, flavoured water and CSL’s fave, mocktails, like our strawberry…
3 Spring Wine Picks To Match With Food
These global choices offer light, medium and bold styles to suit your palate and your plate.
Clementine Caipirinha with Brie and Cranberry Sauce Puffs
Easy, passed, shareable drink and food is so right now! It also happens to be the theme of the new book Short Cocktails and Small Bites by Julia Charles.