Homemade Wheat Germ Moisturizing Cream
Wheat germ oil is full of antioxidant vitamin E and is terrific at delivering moisture to parched skin. Rose water and rose essence give this cream a pretty floral scent.
Make Your Own Terrarium
Make your desk a little prettier, boost your spirits and get an extra dose of oxygen with a portable mini-garden beloved of the Victorians.
Pay Dirt How Gardening Can Ease Stress
Looking for a way to lower stress, keep active and boost your mood? You may just find it by digging in the dirt!
Simple Ways to Beat Stress at Home and at Work
Stress is an inevitable part of life. Knowing the triggers and how to respond can lead to greater happiness. We asked Beverly D. Flaxington a career coach, author of Self-Talk for a Calmer You or Make Your Shift, and expert on human behaviour, how we can manage stress anywhere, anytime.
Keep Fit and Fab | Fall 2016
The perfect style for your workout. Whether you’re into yoga, walking or cross training, we’ve got the look for you!