Category: Healthy Living

  • Homedics Warm and Cool Mist Ultrasonic Tower Humidifier

    Use a Cool and Warm Mist Humidifier

    The benefits of a cool mist humidifier in the spring and summer.

  • Classic Green Smoothie Juice Guru

    Classic Green Smoothie

    While we know it is important to eat lots of greens, some of us just don’t like the taste. Green smoothies are an excellent way to consume leafy green vegetables, because the (sometimes bitter) taste is neutralized by the fruit. This smoothie is sweet and nutty, with just a hint of vanilla. It provides potassium,…

  • Jenna Free Before After

    How Achieving Small Health Goals Can Make a Huge Impact

    Making huge health changes is successful for very few people. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Going full on with your new diet plan? It is more than likely you’ll go equally head first into a binge and some serious couch time once the diet ends. Instead, try these three simple…

  • Fever Reducing Tea

    This is a classic formula for treating colds, flus, and fevers. Variations of it can be found in health food stores and markets today.

  • Home-Cheese-Making

    Make Your Own Cheese: Ziergerkase

    This cheese (Ziergerkase) originated in Germany. It may be eaten fresh or aged for several weeks.