In honour of Earth Day, starting today and every Wednesday in April we’re counting down the best food, fashion and travel eco-friendly ideas we’ve ever heard. City Style and Living Magazine (CSL) has gathered easy, proactive and affordable tips from some of our past issues (the green ticker) so that you can stay green while travelling. Here’s to actively making small changes that can add up big.
In the second part of our travel series we inspire you to think about planning a tree planting holiday, tackling energy use while abroad and how to save on emissions. In the third part of our travel sustainability series we’ll look at visiting national parks to rekindle your love of nature. In the final part of our series we’ll look at even more ways to stay sustainable while travelling. Here’s to actively making small changes that can add up big.
Sustainable Travel Part 1
1. Travel by bike, kayak, or sailboat or other non-fossil fuel transportation methods.
2. Consider a home stay to soak up local culture.
3. Select hotels that are close to public transportation or within walking distance of the sites you’re interested in visiting.
4. Visit a farm to see where produce is grown and find a local park for a picnic.
5. Use foreign mass transit.
6. When renting a car choose the smallest vehicle possible.
7. Seek eco-friendly golf courses.
8. When camping consider a solar oven.
9. Light campfires only in designated areas and ensure they are completely extinguished before you leave.
10. Going on a wine tour? Support sustainable wineries.
11. Seek destinations that practice geotourism which enhances and sustains the natural environment.
These tips originally appeared in the Spring 2015, Winter 2014/15, Fall 2014, Summer 2014, Spring 2014, and Winter 2013/14 issues of City Style and Living Magazine.