This book provides insight into the fascinating life of the 477 species of birds of the Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago.
A Guide to the Birds of Trinidad and Tobago by Richard ffrench Illustrated by John P. O’Neill, John Anderton, Dale Dyer, John Schmitt (Comstock Publishing Associates, cornellpress.cornell.edu )
In this third edition of the book first published in the 1970s, 40 all-new color plates showcase the 477 species that have made the twin-island nation of Trinidad and Tobago a mecca for birdwatchers around the world. Whether a trip to the Caribbean nation is on the agenda or readers want to expand their knowledge of birds or want a resource for the birds of South America (as many species from the continent are found here), this book is an indispensable guide.
This original arts article first appeared in the Fall 2016 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.
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