Wearing a simple silk halter dress with navy and white strips at Myrtle Beach.

MyrtleCity style and living magazine style fashion blogger myrtle beach sky wheel


MyrtleCity style and living magazine style fashion blogger myrtle beach stripe dress ocean

City Style and Living Myrtle Beach

MyrtleCity style and living magazine style fashion blogger myrtle beach water style blogger


City style and living magazine style fashion blogger myrtle beach stripe dress walking


City style and living magazine style fashion blogger myrtle beach stripe dress walking 2
/ All images K&S Media

City style and living magazine myrtle beach

Wearing a simple silk halter dress with navy and white strips at Myrtle Beach.

Credits: Express silk stripe dress

See more fashion from Myrtle Beach

Want more Myrtle Beach? This original article initially appeared in the Winter 2015/16 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.