Tag: The Editor’s Notebook Travel and Style

  • City style and living magazine style fashion blogger Riviera maya banyan tree mayakoba blue jumpsuit

    The Jumpsuit

    Wearing a silk jumpsuit in shocking blue while lounging poolside, see more of CSL’s adventures in Riviera Maya

  • MyrtleCity style and living magazine style fashion blogger myrtle beach water style blogger

    Myrtle Beach Stripes

    Wearing a simple silk halter dress with navy and white strips at Myrtle Beach.

  • The Skinny Scarf in Myrtle Beach

    A little touch of 1970’s vibe care of a skinny scarf, cropped pinstripe pants and loafers on the boardwalk in Myrtle Beach.

  • City style and living magazine style fashion blogger myrtle beach brookgreen gardens style blogger live oak alley

    Minimalist at Brookgreen Gardens

    A simple minimalist dress with an interesting tie- knot back is perfect for exploring these amazing gardens in Myrtle Beach

  • City style and living magazine style fashion blogger silk slipdress

    A Silk Slipdress and Cozy Sweater

    Ahh the 1990’s. Remember grunge, babydoll dresses and choker chains? Well they’re all back in a big way. One of CSL’s fave trends is the silk slipdress, but instead of wearing this overtly sexy nightie, 2015/16 is all about a reboot.