Sleep Like a Baby with Spiced Milk
Spiced milk is a truly delicious treat that promotes sound, sweet sleep when drunk at night (especially when made with nutmeg). This is the only substance Ayurveda recommends consuming just before sleeping.
How to Make An Avocado Hair Mask
An easy to make hair mask to make locks glossy and moisturized.
One Easy Move To Strengthen Your Core
CSL shows you how yo easily strengthen your core with one yoga inspired move: boat pose. Plus how to stay fit chic during winter!
Boost Your Holiday Eating Willpower
Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., a brain and cognitive scientist and author of Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin and Free (Hay House, March 2017) offers five key steps to manage holiday eating.
Get a handle on it Eco-Friendly Toothbrushes
Most toothbrushes sold today are made partly or entirely of plastic. There are alternatives however to plastic however including compostable, recyclable (or made with recycled materials), and those with replaceable heads.