Explore the local side of this Caribbean island.
Chaguaramas is situated on the northwest peninsula of Trinidad at the crossroads of “the islands” (a series of islands between Trinidad and Venezuela) and the island’s mainland. Executive chef and owner of Jaffa at the Oval restaurant in Port of Spain, Joe Brown, originally from England, calls the area, “a hidden gem, it’s my playground.”
With an array of nature activities including birdwatching (scarlet ibis frequent the area) the area “offers what people travel all over to find in one spot – the history, flora and fauna, with caves, facets of nature, you can golf with howler monkeys, go yachting, participate in sports events,” says Daniel Solomon Solomon Chairman of the Chaguaramas Development Authority.
“This is an exciting time. You never forget Chaguaramas,” adds Joycelin Hargreaves Chief Executive Officer of the Chaguaramas Development Authority.

The Boardwalk
Stroll the newly completed boardwalk, part of an ambitious project by Chaguaramas Development Authority (CDA) to develop 14572 acres of land into a multi-use complex including a golf course, accommodation, shopping and entertainment centres through foreign development partnerships.

Gasparee Caves
When locals talk about going down the islands they mean the Bocas Islands west of the capital Port of Spain and accessible only by boat. One of the most visited is Gaspar island home to limestone caves, including the Blue Grotto with a bright blue tidal pool and eerie stalactite and stalagmite formations.

Gaspar Island
For breathtaking views of Bocas del Dragon, the strait between Trinidad and Venezuela, head to the verandah of the recreational facility on Gaspar Island.

Bamboo Cathedral
Begin at Macqueripe Road in Tucker Valley Chaguaramas where century’s old bamboo whistle mysteriously and bend inward to form enclosed archways. Be sure to listen for howler monkeys that frequent the area.

Macqueripe Trail
The 2.5 kilometer trail from the Chagaramas Golf Course to Macqueripe Beach provides stunning views of jungle, valleys, and ocean. Look out for exotic birds and WWII remains from American Armed Forces. At Macqueripe Beach don’t miss the opportunity to zip line.
This article on Chagaramas first appeared in the Spring 2015 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.