Purple Lemonade
A big star in the kale family, the purple kale in this juice has beneficial antho-cyanin phytonutrient properties, which protect against the oxidative stress of various toxins. A great addition to your cleanse!
1 head purple cauliflower, cut into chunks
4 purple kale leaves
1 cucumber, cut into chunks
½ lemon
After juicing: Stevia, to taste
Juice the cauliflower. Roll the kale leaves into a ball, and juice them along with the cucumber and lemon. Pour into a glass, and add stevia.
Reprinted with permission from The Rainbow Juice Cleanse © 2015 by Dr. Ginger Southall, Running Press, a member of the Perseus Books Group.
This original article was first published in the Summer 2015 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.