A take on the gin-based bees knees, the addition of cinnamon adds a savoury note and complexity to this Prohibition-era tipple
2 oz bourbon
¾ oz freshly squeezed lemon juice
½ oz honey
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
Combine all ingredients in an ice-filled shaker. Shake until all ingredients have combine and are chilled, about 10 seconds. Serve over ice cubes and garnish with a honey dipper and lemon wedge.
Irresistible add-ons to punch up your favourite cocktail recipe
1 Citrus fruit like lemons and oranges balances sweet notes with sharpness
2 Cinnamon adds a smoky-sweet punch to cocktails
3 A natural sweetener like honey cuts down on calories
Four Roses: A soft and smooth choice, popular as a mixer for cocktails, this bourbon has notes of pear with floral qualities, subtle spice and honey.
Buffalo Trace: The distillery has been making bourbon for 200 years. The resulting liquor is creamy with a long finish.
This original wines and spirits article first appeared in the Summer 2016 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.