Everyone can enjoy these refreshing bottles. Big on taste and full of unusual flavour they are perfect on balmy summer days. Keeping hydrated just got a whole lot more fun!
The Flavour Bomb: Just Craft Soda
Made with fruit juice and bespoke flavour combos, they are excellent poured over ice. The pear and vanilla tastes like cream soda while peach and habanero has distinguishable, punchy, complimentary notes. This is soda reimagined. justcraftsoda.com
The Unusual Distillate: Seedlip
An intriguing concoction, billed as the world’s first distilled non-alcoholic spirit, this clear liquid is infused with herbs and botanicals. The flavour? Think gin without the alcohol. Available in two forms, spice and garden, less than a teaspoon transforms tonic or sparkling water. seedlipdrinks.com
The Lightly Sweet: Dry Sparkling
This is tricked-out sparkling water done right! Lightly sweetened with crisp bubbles but with a pleasant hit of fruit, vegetable or aromatic (think flavours like lavender, rainer cherry, Fuji apple and watermelon). Best of all, there are only four ingredients. drysoda.com
*Bonus The At Home, Make It Yourself Drink: Healthy Slushie
Give fresh fruit a cool update! Blend summer favourites like strawberries and watermelon or blueberries and lime with a touch of simple syrup. Freeze and scrape.
Want More Wines and Spirits? This original article first appeared in the Summer 2018 issue of City Style and Living Magazine.
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